“It is so fulfilling to match amazing individuals with similarly impactful institutions. To then be able to coach the talented people we place to help them, and in turn the institution, find success is rewarding beyond measure.”
Suzi Nam
suzi.nam@nessearches.com | 267-420-2044
Suzi Nam is a national leader in equity and access in education with more than 20 years of experience advancing diversity efforts through her roles in enrollment management, alumni affairs, development, academic advising, college counseling and non-profit management. Having served in senior leadership roles on “all sides of the desk,” Suzi brings a multifaceted perspective and background to the Napier Executive Search team.
From her roles as Director of Admissions at Swarthmore College to leading college counseling offices at independent schools in the Philadelphia area, to serving as Executive Director of the Lenfest Scholars Foundation, Suzi holds multiple constituencies’ perspectives simultaneously. It is through these various lenses that Suzi helps institutions and individuals align and build thriving partnerships.
An active member of NACAC, Suzi has enjoyed being a facilitator in the first Antiracist Institute and a member of the Ad Hoc Committee on Re-envisioning the Affiliate relationship. She has also been on the faculty of GWI (formerly known as the People of Color Conference) and maintains her work as a small group leader. A regular speaker on panels at the national conference, Suzi has addressed topics ranging from the Varsity Blues controversy to training the next generation of leaders through the Middle Management Institute.
Suzi further supports leaders as an Executive Leadership Development Certified Coach with formal training from The Academies (accredited by the International Coach Federation). Her practice is centered on transformative leadership and neuroscience based coaching; with NES, she’ll be coaching individuals placed at the dean/director level.
As a first-generation college student, Suzi is a proud community college graduate of the County College of Morris, later earning her bachelor’s degree from The College of New Jersey and master’s degree from the University of Chicago. She calls the Philadelphia area home, where she lives with her partner Lambert and is joyfully raising two daughters.